Our Partners

  • We are excited to partner with four school districts as pilot locations for our program. These districts span three states and the District of Columbia, but that’s just the beginning. Read more on our first sites here.

  • We are currently seeking corporate partners who share our enthusiasm and passion for civic engagement, deliberative democracy, and youth empowerment. Interested in partnering with us? Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch!

  • We are honored to have received the support of public officials across the ideological spectrum, showing that our mission is not only bipartisan—but non-partisan. The endorsement of our organization by these leaders underscores that the value of civic engagement exceeds the boundaries of party differences and short-term political gain.

  • What better way for a civics engagement organization to recognize our major benefactors than with gift levels named for our first three presidents? Donors at the Jefferson, Adams, and Washington levels will be honored here.

    Jefferson Donors
    ($1,000+ single or total lifetime gifts)

    Adams Donors
    ($5,000+ single or total lifetime gifts)

    Washington Donors
    ($10,000+ single or total lifetime gifts)